We are delighted to present the captivating and thought-provoking works of the talented artist Robert Rhodes. Originally hailing from the beautiful state of Kentucky, Robert's extensive journey as a dedicated newspaper journalist spanning over 25 years eventually led him to Pennsylvania in 2008. Since then, he has skillfully channeled his artistic talents through various forms of painting and engaging exhibitions, particularly here in the vibrant arts community of Lancaster. We invite you to explore his remarkable artwork and insightful interview featured below!
“My pictures are emotional statements. I regard them as being equally representational and abstract. They reflect the world around me.”
EW: When did you start your artistry and what inspired you?
RR: I began drawing and painting when I was 11 or 12. I'm not sure if anything in particular inspired me, but the landscape where we lived in the Mississippi River Delta intrigued me. I also became interested in architectural drawings after we expanded our house in the mid-1970s. Their influence continues to appear in my work.
EW: If you were to create an art piece inspired by your favorite snack, what would it look like? RR: A chili cheeseburger with a lot of onions. I could probably paint a convincing picture of that.
EW: If your art could speak, what’s the first thing it would say?
RR: “There's something I want you to see.”
EW: If your art studio had a theme song, what would it be and why?
RR: Silence. Or just the sound of the rain and wind and birds, whether I'm painting indoors or out.
EW: What’s your go-to guilty pleasure that helps you get through creative blocks?
RR: It used to be chess problems, but I haven't done those in a while.
EW: Do you have any advice that you would like to share for a creative that is going through a block?
RR: Just keep moving forward and don't panic about anything. I work on something almost every day. Occasionally, I'll take a break for a day or so, but I'm always thinking about a picture, I find.